Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Bachelor: Bringing People Together

No matter how you felt about Jason Mesnick's fateful decision revealed Monday night, one thing is for sure: if you watched it... you were talking about it Tuesday. And if you watched last night's show with Molly and Jason in love, the tent where "nothing happened" and Naomi wanting to punch him in the face... I'm guessing you were talking about it today with someone. I talked about it with my church pianist tonight!!! Who even knew she was a Bachelor fan??

This season of the Bachelor has been especially meaningful for me as every Monday night after the two hour episode I spent the next half hour on the phone with one of my very best friends, Kerri. Our conversations went from laughing hysterically at the side pony tail/tank top/scarf look to the awkward kisses and Stalker Shannon. And then they moved to deeper things like our spiritual walk, family relationships, life's problems, and future plans. When I realized I would be in San Antonio for the night of the finale, Kerri drove down from her place in Austin so we could watch the (three hour!!!!) ending to these last three months. It was so good to see her and so much fun. And wow was it dramatic- they weren't kidding when they said it was THE MOST DRAMATIC FINALE EVER.

Kerri and I together again... we hadn't seen eachother in almost a year!

The delicious and chocolatey homemade "Broken-hearted Bachelorettes." Clever, I know.

Charlie, hiding from all the drama under a chair.

So, did you watch it? What did you think? Here's my two cents: I think if Jason really was feeling that torn up about it all, he SHOULD NOT have proposed to Melissa. I don't blame him for realizing he actually loved Molly and doing something about it... better now than years down the road. But seriously, did he have to propose??? She had every right to be angry. And as for Molly and Jason? Only time will tell! Oh and you better believe I'll be watching Jillian coming this May!

So, what did you think? In the spirit of bringing people together... let's talk about it!


Dacia said...

oh my! let me tell you...i watched nearly every episode (including the finale) with 6 of my closest girlfriends and you can bet we had our own conversations about the side ponytail (which the other gals on the show totally started stealing from Jillian, btw), and the tank top/scarf style, and awkward kisses AND stalker shannon. You just about summed up all of our commentary right there. :-)

it was enjoyable to watch with them, but i really do think i'm finished watching the bachelor for good this time. i even said it out loud to Taylor and now he's more than looking forward to "holding me accountable" to that I think i'm done.

oh, and i agree with everything you said about jason and how he shouldn't have proposed. really, if you feel that awful after breaking up with one person, that should be a big red flag that you shouldn't be proposing to someone else the VERY SAME DAY!!!!

so, are you sorry you got me started on that, or what? :)

Lacey said...

He shouldn't have proposed and he shouldn't have made out with Molly after dumping Melissa- NO CLASS to do that in my opinion. And don't tell my Molly was surprised..she's not that good of an actress...she totally knew what was about to happen. Frank and I watched every episode and when he got a news blip across his screen at work a few weeks ago about he came home and told me he will NEVER watch the show again if that is true. So after the finale he said, "go ahead and go with your girlfriends to watch because I am done." Of course I will still be watching Jillian- i love her. Anyway...looks like i had a lot to say. LOL. :)

annh said...

oh, I agree with you girls..and felt so for Melissa to break up with her in front of the whole world,NOT the best PLACE!He just seems to not know HOW he really feels and after so few Marriages resulting from the show(I think there has only been 1, and I may be mistaken, I think maybe that was the last one for me to watch)but don't hold me to that!