Thursday, July 31, 2008

Today's the Day

I've mentioned on here before that some of our best friends are moving away. Well, today is the day. We spent a couple evenings ago at their house, packing and moving boxes. Paul went on his lunch break yesterday to help load the U-haul. They came over last night for coffee and conversation, and we stretched it out to almost 10:30, not wanting it to end. This morning they are driving away with the U-haul to Ft. Worth where they will spend the next two years for Nate to go to seminary. They gave away their dog and are selling their nice, three bedroom home and moving into an old 650 square foot on-campus apartment where they will have to pay quarters to do their laundry. They are leaving the town where they both have family close by, good friends, and good teaching jobs to a new city where they are having to start all over... and on one income.

You may be wondering why anyone would be out of their mind enough to do something like this? They've had a good start, why would they want to move "backwards" ? They will tell you it is because the Lord has called them into youth ministry. And when you meet them, you will know its true. They are passionate about the Lord and about kids... and about kids knowing the Lord. But this is not to say that they are bible-beaters, spouting scripture all day long and happy that they are leaving. They are just like us, normal people, sad they are leaving, and a little scared I think (ok, maybe a LOT scared)... but they have a simple faith that the Lord knows what He is doing and has a Bigger Picture in mind.

While we will miss our almost thrice-weekly get togethers, late night talks, games we always win ;), Myronisms, brownies, and rudy-suckers... you have taught us what it means to follow Christ...we will see you as often as we can and will pray for you always...

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Four Generations

Charlie is the first great grandchild for both of my grandma's and oh how they loved him! Unfortunately, both of my grandfathers have passed away, but I am so thankful I was able to take these pictures of four generations!
By the way... we had a fun day of swimming with the other side of the family today! Check out Carly's blog for a few pics of some cute babies...

Monday, July 28, 2008

Georgia Trip

And now... even more pictures! This time from the Georgia portion of our trip. We stayed at my uncle's lake house and went boating, tubing, and even had a bonfire on the beach! My grandma turned 76 while we were there and we had a great time celebrating. I even got to see my friend Lacey with her son Gavin again, since they only lived about 45 minutes away!

Alabama Trip

We had such a fantastic time on our trip! It was so great seeing all of our family and having them meet Charlie! Here are some of my favorite pics from the part of the trip spent in Alabama with my mom's side of the family...

Friday, July 25, 2008

Sweet Home Alabama

We made it back to Alabama this afternoon after a fun-filled few days of boating, bon-firing, and eating! It was a great time in Georgia and now we are looking forward to a couple days hanging out with my mom's side of the family here in Alabama before we fly home on Monday. We have some really great pictures that I can't wait to share! Maybe I'll see if I can add some later tonight... stay tuned!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Georgia Rain

Well I am so happy to report that we made it to Alabama safe and sound and Charlie and I both did great on the plane! After spending a mere 24 hours in Alabama we loaded up my parents' Honda Pilot and all six of us drove the four hours through a major thunderstorm to Cumming, GA to spend a few days at my aunt & uncle's lake house. So that's where we are now and I thought I'd leave the family fun for a few minutes to catch up on my THIRTY emails... wow, never knew I was so addicted to the internet, but I guess I am. :) So no pics for now, but trust me, there will be TONS to follow! My camera broke (what great timing!) but we're using my mom's. We went out on the boat today and did a little tubing and tonight we are celebrating my grandma's 76th birthday! Thank you SO MUCH for your prayers- I really felt the Lord bringing peace to my heart on that flight.

More to follow!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

And We're Off!

We head out tomorrow morning for our trip to Alabama. We will be flying to Huntsville and meeting up with my parents and brother to spend a few days with my mom's family. Then we will drive with my parents to Georgia to spend a few days with my dad's family and then drive back to Alabama for a little while longer and then fly home on Sunday. Today we are doing tons of laundry and list-making and packing. Wow, there's a lot of stuff involved when traveling with a baby!!!

If I may ask a favor, please, please pray for us as we travel! I have already shared how much I adore flying (see, I'm trying to be positive!) and traveling with a three month old just kind of adds to the craziness of it all. Fortunately, Paul is super excited and jumps at the chance to travel by plane any time he can, so his enthusiasm is usually {somewhat} contagious. But we would all greatly appreciate your prayers. I will try to update the blog while we are gone, but if not, stay tuned for many many pictures of Charlie with all of his extended family on my side! :)

Oh and just to throw it in there...

... a picture of a very sleepy boy after a very busy morning at church that involved lots of fussing and sweating (on my part!) and hardly any sleeping. :) Have a good blog-week, friends, see you next week!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Jumperoo Fun!

Thanks Nana & Pop- Charlie just loves his new jumperoo! He's not quite big enough to touch the floor, but thanks to the top of our new ottoman (which will soon have baby footprints in it forever, I'm sure) he's jumpin' away!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Flying away...

I hate flying. There's no where I'd rather be less than on a plane in the air... And no, its not the long lines, the security checks, the horrible food... its the white-knuckle grip, animal in a cage, stomach in my throat feeling I get when I even think about flying.

You might think I've been this way all my life, and that I've rarely flown... because otherwise I would understand, its really not so bad and its perfectly safe! Or that maybe I became this way after September 11th. Not true at all... I have flown TONS of times, I mean TONS! I used to live in Germany! Just after September 11th, my parents lived in Kansas and I flew home for Thanksgiving and Christmas! I've sat next to people who were scared before and chuckled to myself as I said to them that turbulence was "just like bumps on a road" and that flying "is safer than driving." I've been on trips to Romania and Kazakhstan for goodness sakes. That's like the other side of the world. We're talking 20+ hour flights here people. So I don't know what it was... something just clicked for me (or un-clicked I guess).

It happened the summer of 2003, right before I graduated from college and got married. I was on a flight from Houston to San Antonio (its only 45 min!!!) and I just felt this weird sensation like the plane was going to tip over and fall out of the sky. It was that thought that I turned over and over and over in my mind until I was convinced that it could actually happen. Ever since then I've flown about once or twice a year, petrified and with tears, a stomachache, and a death grip on whoever is lucky enough to sit next to me.

Now doesn't that sound fun? So I guess what I'm getting to is that I just can't wait (can you sense the sarcasm?) for the flight that Charlie, Paul, and I will be taking Monday to Alabama. I've even gone to the doctor for this and even though I will take medicine on the actual flight, its no magic cure and it still doesn't help for the few weeks beforehand that I get knots in my stomach just thinking about the trip I'm about to take...

This is something that, as a psychologist, I have wondered, why? Why did this happen all of a sudden? Where did this fear come from? I've tried using all of my anxiety techniques I used with the kids I worked with- taking deep breaths, visualizing myself on a plane or even close to a plane and trying to strategically relaxing each part of my body, etc, all to no avail. I've tried praying and praying that the Lord would take this away and that it would leave as suddenly as it came. But there's just something about it that will not let me go.

All of that said, now there's this: The last time I flew I had the most beautiful time of worship of my life. Looking out over tops of the clouds. What a beautiful sight. Whoever saw that before air travel?? No one! But it was there! All that beauty, there purely by and for the Glory of God. I sat looking out the window of the plane, listening to Whole World in His Hands sung by Christy Nockels (which I will be listening to this time too!!!) and crying out of gratitude because after all the anxious waiting and anticipation of that flight for months... I was not afraid.

In a way, I've come to an agreement with this fear: I know that you are there, but you will not control my life. And not only will you not control my life, but you will lead me to the most vulnerable place I can ever be where I will sense the power and majesty of Our Sovreign God in a way that I never have before...and all I can do is surrender to the One who has the whole world in His hands.

"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness" (2 Corinthians 12:9).

Monday, July 14, 2008


You've got to watch this...

"He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers and authorities; all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things and in him all things hold together."

Colossians 1:15-17

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Loungin' Pool-side...

...actually, bath-side. We just removed the little hammock-like attachment for infants in his tub since he is getting so big, so now he just leans back in the actual tub. And lately he's been slinging his arm up over the edge like this and it is SO funny, he's just hanging out! Hahaha, we laughed so hard and he just kept this cool look on his face like "what's the big deal, I'm just chillin!"

Saturday, July 12, 2008

One Word

  1. Where is your cell phone? table
  2. Your spouse? Sleeping
  3. Your hair? Reddish
  4. Your mother? Joni
  5. Your father? Jim
  6. Your favorite thing? friends
  7. Your dream last night? forgot
  8. Your favorite drink? coffee
  9. Your dream/goal? skinny
  10. The room you're in? bedroom
  11. Your hobby? scrapbooking
  12. Your fear? flying
  13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? here
  14. Where were you last night? date
  15. What you're not? sleepy
  16. Muffins? blueberry
  17. One of your wish list items? ottoman
  18. Where you grew up? everywhere
  19. What are you wearing? P.J.'s
  20. Your pets? Daisy
  21. Your computer? mac
  22. Your life? thankful
  23. Your mood? caffeinated
  24. Missing someone? family
  25. Your car? mazda
  26. Something you're not wearing? shoes
  27. Favorite store? Target
  28. Your summer? HOT
  29. Your favorite color? blue
  30. When is the last time you laughed? tonight
  31. Last time you cried? days
Copy this and try it... using one word is harder than you think!

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Sorry about the camera-work... but this is his first time to really laugh! Had to share...

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

3 Months Old

Time is just flying by and Charlie is three months old today! The smiles and babytalk are in full force now and we are so close to rolling over. Just recently, he discovered his hands and is now reaching and grasping for whatever's in front of him. He's in between clothing sizes now and while there are several things he can no longer fit into, I just can't bring myself to pack them away yet!!! It's all happening too fast, but I can't wait for all the exciting and fun days to come...

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Bachelorette Girls' Night Out

Well, even though I was disappointed with who DeAnna chose last night on the Bachelorette finale, I did have a great time dressing up in my old prom dress and hanging out with some fun girls... yes, I did say I wore my old prom dress... and no, I could not zip it up all the way. :) Click here for more pictures.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Happy Fourth of July!

Yes, its a parade. Family tradition! :)

Charlie's holding the flag! So patriotic.
My mom, brother, and us on the fourth of July
Sleeping through the fireworks

Road Trip!

Thursday afternoon we loaded up the car and headed to San Antonio to spend the long weekend with my parents. We are having such a great time and I will post more later about our Fourth of July fun, but wanted to share some pictures from Charlie's first road trip...

Stroller? Check.

Dog? Check.

Baby? Check.

A few more pics of the view on one gorgeous day...

More fourth of July pictures to follow...

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Something New

Today, Charlie and I went to a play-group with some moms and babies from an "All About Moms" group for new moms that meets at the hospital where Charlie was born. There's a big group on Mondays and then every Wednesday some of them go to someone's house for a play-group. They just lay a big blanket on the floor and the babies are just rolling around and the mommies talk and eat lunch. It was fun and I met a bunch of other new stay at home moms who are looking for friends and a reason to get out of the house! While I do have some really great friends, most of them live far away and the close ones will be working or moving come August (boo!) so I figured I needed to find some other SAHM's with new babies.

While it was a good time today, I must say it was a little like the first day of school for me. And being an army kid that moved every 2-3 years, I have had LOTS of first days of school. You know, where you're trying to make friends and meet everyone you can, but also trying to feel around for who is going to be your BEST friend. You're trying to be fun and funny, nice, and outgoing, but not too talkative, or too outgoing. And you know its your big chance because you're going to be with these people for a couple of years, so now's your chance to make a good impression. And you hope it won't take too long to settle in and just... be... comfortable... and... be... yourself...

Hopefully it won't take too long.