So I had my dr.'s appointment, and unfortunately I still have not progressed! But, the doctor had already said he did not want me to go past 42 weeks, plus, the amniotic fluid is looking a little low, so he wants to induce Wednesday, April 9th! So that is the plan! We go in at 5 am that morning!
I feel a mix of emotions right now: so excited to know it will be so soon, a little disappointed because I really didn't want to be induced, really grateful that we didn't have to make the decision to induce (the amniotic fluid thing really made it for us), and a little nervous because I have a greater chance of needing a c-section by the end of the day if I still have not dilated. But I know in the end none of it will matter because we will be holding our little boy so soon! If you think to pray for me over these next few days, please pray for peace and for my over-achieving cervix to dilate at least a little before Wednesday. :) Thank you!!!
Carly will hopefully be updating the blog for me on Wednesday so everyone can keep track of Charlie's arrival!
yeah for charlie's arrival! we'll be praying of course :) and yay for finally getting better at updating my own blog.
YEAH for Charlie arrival!! I was induced just like you will be and I was not dilated at all. I progressed very well and was holding my daughter by 4 pm the same day. I will pray for you that God will watch over you and Charlie throughout the entire process. Enjoy tomorrow and remember that God is in control.
YEA!!!!!!! That must be a GREAT day!! My next door neighbor and a friend down the street, are both delivering on that day!!!
How exciting! I will definitely keep you guys in prayer.
God bless :)
Yes, we will definitely pray for you! I am so excited you have a set date--we will pray for a great delivery.
Yay! I'm sorry you are having to induce, but know that you will do whatever it takes to get him here safely. I'll be praying for the Lord's presence and peace to be overwhelming through out your delivery; that HE will take any fears you have away and replace them with joy. Enjoy every minute of Charlie's birthday party!
YEAH BETHANY!! I can't wait to see that sweet baby boy!! A friend of mine is having a c-section that same day. What a fun day!! You are going to do great! I was induced with Gavin and it was a fast and easy labor. You will do wonderful. Can't wait to see Charlie!!
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