Sunday, April 10, 2011

3 Years Old

I can hardly believe it has been 3 years since I laid eyes on him...

...this tiny sweet bundle...

...turned curious, fun-loving toddler...

...turned loving, protective big-brother...

...turned funny, smart BIG BOY!
(who promptly after blowing out his candles declared  
"it's MY birthday" to everyone around.  Yes, I guess he really is three)

I could not be more proud of this precious son of mine.  His sincerity and wit surprise me every day and I am cherishing every detail of who he is and who he is becoming.  I cannot believe how blessed I am to get to be his mommy!  We love you Charlie, Happy Birthday!

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Erica said...


Teri Dufilho said...

such sweet memories......we're cherishing every moment along with you, Bethany!

Norm Hayess said...

What a beautiful family. I'm jealous.

Jessika said...

Hi, I´m just reading randomly on blogger and found your blogg. I felt that I needed to make a comment about your nice blogg with all fantastic pictures. Congratulations to your nice children!
Love Jessika from Sweden

Kianna said...

just adorible :)

Aayden and Aarons Mommy said...

I just came across your blog and I love it! Your children are sooo precious! Such a cute little family. :)