Thursday, November 13, 2008

Thankful Thursdays

Just a small number of the things I am thankful for right now...

The beautiful healthy safe happy boy bouncing in his jump-a-roo right next to me

The warm, safe, and dry home I live in

The husband I love that will soon walk in the door to have lunch with his little family

The parents that raised me to know Christ and to know love that we will be with in two weeks

The teenager that was once the annoying little bro that has turned into the funny, fun, cool, talented brother and friend.

The parents that raised Paul in a Christian home and taught him how to be a husband and father

The grandparents and aunt and uncles that Charlie has that I love so much and I know love him so much

The church we have grown to love and that feels like family

The friends that I know we will have forever

The King of Kings that became a man, the lowest of men, that we might know Him, follow Him, and be with Him forever- that He would draw me, shameful sinner that I am, into relationship with Him.

What are you thankful for today?

1 comment:

Teri Dufilho said...

i love your deep, tender heart, bethany!....
i’m thankful for:

1) real HOPE and CHANGE in this crazy world, found only in my Savior, hope is in Him alone, and one day I’ll be truly changed, and see Him face to face....eternally thankful for my salvation and assurance of a life forever with Him after this one...
2) my faithful husband of 33 years, who knows the Lord and loves me unconditionally
3) 2 sons who make me so proud and grateful to the Lord, that it brings tears to my eyes just to think of them sometimes....what godly men, amazing husbands and dads they are!.....eternally grateful that they trust Jesus for their salvation....
4) so thankful for the priceless treasures that God blessed Matt and Paul with....God has lavished them with goodness in the gifts of Robin and Bethany, who know the Lord, and are such godly moms and wives....i’m thankful for the open, trusting relationship that i have with both of them...
5) thankful, thankful for 3 joys in our lives, that are truly gifts from God......Luke, Ellie, and Charlie ...... grandchildren are such a joy, it feels like your heart will burst!.....thank you Lord!.....thankful that their parents have vowed to God to raise them to know Him ..... who could ever ask for more?
6) thankful for family members both in town and far away..... and thankful for friends who are like family!
7) our brave, faithful soldiers who defend our freedom
8) the wonderful warm thoughts that come along with getting out the christmas lights, my little town, my nativity, making spiced pecans, christmas cookies, christmas music!
9) ebay and craigslist
10) chocolate and coffee