Have you ever seen the show Sarah's House on HGTV? It is one of my favorite shows - Sarah is a Canadian designer who buys a house, basically guts it, and designs each room, one episode at a time all with help from her hilarious assistant Tommy. Her style is flawless (in my opinion) and I've learned from her techniques- with any room, she always starts with the fabrics. Now, she has at her disposal amazing fabrics and wall papers and lots of $$$, none of which I have. And she also has the advantage of starting completely from scratch and designing a room all at once- which I usually don't have- my house is a collection of things bought over time, throughout different seasons and changes in my taste and style. However, when designing my kids rooms, I was able to start completely from scratch, because we had nothing! So I took a hint from Sarah and started with the fabrics (which for me and my budget means the bedding and the curtains). From there I moved to paint colors and was able to develop the general feel I wanted for each room, which led to the accessories and furniture. So to begin with, here's Charlie's big boy room!
Up next on the house tour, Norah's girly (but not too girly!) nursery!

I love it! Can't wait for the next post...I love the ideas you give too..makes me wanna go home and get started on my house:)
Love it. The Grey is so claming. Can't wait to see baby girls room!!
Love the house posts. Makes me wish I had some decorating sense. Alas. I have none. :)
LOVE IT! :) I'm enjoying this little series on your blog!
But.....please tell me the rooms aren't ALWAYS this neat?? ;)
So cute! I've always loved your taste of decorating. Makes me want to redo everything!
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