I know I promised I would feature Norah's nursery soon and its coming... it really is! But, in reply to a comment I got from Erica on the last house tour post, (is my house always that clean??), the answer is NO. But I do only take pictures of it and post it for you all to see when it is clean. :) Which is why there is a delay in photographing the nursery... she's such a little girl, you wouldn't think she would make such a big mess! But we're having a bit of a diaper genie overflow... ahem. And the reason I haven't done much to take care of that situation is that I've got a BIG (well, big for me) design project in the works! But more on that later... for now I will just leave you with a little sneak peek...

You are the kind of grown-up I hope to someday be.
I have to say... I'm not sure what that means. But, thanks? :)
Crafty, put together, and creative. Definitely a compliment!
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